Today was a cold and rainy day in East Texas, with a forecast and possible flash flooding this weekend, but this girl was dreaming about gardening plans, starting seeds, planting those freshly sprouted seeds in the yard, dirt in my finger nails (that's a good thing), and what theme my yard will take on this year.
I look back on last years garden and look forward to this years crop of colorful blooms in our yard and I am thinking that vintage, rustic, shabby chic, recycled will be the prevelant theme this year.
I remember when I dug this shopping cart out of the junk out back and my husband saying I could use it "till he needs it for something else"! It's still in my flower bed and I hope he doesn't want to reclaim it this spring.

I think I will replant flowers in my old wash tub and in the gym locker attached to the vintage bicycle. I slipped multiple pots in the galvanized wash tub and I was so glad I was able to change out the plants in the bucket as the seasons progressed.
Ever since the gazebo makeover last summer, I have been pondering how the gazebo will look with spring flowers in bloom. I have visions of hanging baskets cascading with blossoms and rustic containers recycled with grasses and flowers spilling over the sides.
Suzy has sure enjoyed the gazebo and I will have to replace the chair cushion this spring. I'm thinking something burlap/feed sacks. I am ready for the warmer evenings spent outdoors with a glass of tea, lit with candle light and occasional sightings of critters among the plants.
For some reason Little House on the Prairie episodes come to mind when I think about our initials carved on the post of the gazebo! I loved Laura Ingalls and read all her books over and over when I was younger. (I still have the complete set.) I would dress up in my bonnet and skirt pretending to live on the prairie, and thought that the best thing about being sick and missing school was getting to watch Little House on the Prairie on television! I guess you could say I've loved vintage style since I was a young girl!
I'm ready for the lilies to be blooming along my rustic rope fence in front of the greenhouse
and ready for summer nights when the moths are fluttering through the yard feeding on the four o'clocks.
I patiently wait for the sunflowers to bloom and the frogs to show up again in the canna leaves.
I have a sign in my greenhouse that reads "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." I am thankful for the rain we are receiving this winter, as it is helping to ease our drought conditions and it is encouraging the thought of planting spring flowers. I believe tomorrow and next season will be better and aided by flowers in the yard, the coming days will be more beautiful!