I am still excited about my pictures and submission being in
FOLK Magazine! I learned about FOLK through
Donna from Funky Junk Interiors and saw their call for Southern stories, pictures, and travels for their Summer issue (issue V) on Facebook.
We had travelled to the Ennis (Texas) Bluebonnet Trails last year and had previously shared the pictures here on my blog and with some of my Facebook friends. Several people encouraged me to submit my pictures to magazines, so when I saw the call in February, I started typing and submitted my pictures and story. Ben, the Editor of FOLK, emailed me almost immediately saying he loved my piece! All kinds of squealing and jumping up and down commenced at that point, as it had always been a dream to have something published. At this point, I only told my husband and kept the secret for 2 1/2 months. I was scared something would happen, my pictures wouldn't make the cut, or something crazy like that...so I didn't tell anyone. I never expected to have my first submission to be accepted by a magazine.

I watched my mailbox with anticipation. I was off work the day the first magazine came. I ran back from the mailbox like a kid, ripped open the package, and opened the magazine to where I thought my article was. It wasn't there...My two page submission had been moved from the original location that I saw in the proof, but I found it near the back of the magazine instead. At this point there was lots more squealing and excitement when I saw my pictures in a national magazine! The very first time I submitted a story and pictures, I got published! It was a dream come true and a check on my bucket list!

I purchased additional copies of FOLK for some of my friends and family and will be giving away one copy right here to YOU, my blog friends! You are the ones who have supported me with all of your sweet comments and words of encouragement when I share my pictures, projects, and stories, so I want to give back to you. All you have to do is be a Gypsy Farm Girl follower (Blog, Twitter, Pinterest, or all 3) and leave a comment here, telling me you would like to win a copy of FOLK Magazine. I'll pick a lucky winner next weekend.
Please note the Giveaway is for one copy of ISSUE V of FOLK Magazine and is sponsored by ME. I will mail the magazine to USA residents only. The magazine is available at Barnes and Nobles or you can check the FOLK blog for independent bookstores near you.
Our sweet dog, Trixie even made it into FOLK!