
Monday, December 3, 2012

A Christmas Typewriter

One day last spring, my brother and I were standing in his storage building and he said "hey, you want Grandmama's old typewriter?"
"Yep, sure!" I tried to hide my excitement and not seem to eager to take the typewriter, thinking of all the things I had seen on pinterest.
"Ummm, its had a rat living in it."
"Uh...ok" and I proceeded to get my gloves out and load it in my truck. It landed in my storage building till last week, when I decided it was time to finally clean it up. Well a little while later, the rat's nest was gone and the old typewriter had a place on the coffee table.
I have fond memories of Grandmama typing away on this ol' Royal typewriter. She was the church secretery and always typed her minutes every month. I remember watching her type and occasionally would get to play on the typewriter as well. I think I might have even typed a few school reports with this typewriter.  

I spruced her up with some fresh and silk greenery, then added a touch of burlap ribbon and three burlap roses. Since the typewriter needs work before it can type again, I used my computer to type a Christmas message.

Merry Christmas
Janice ♥ Jeff

Funky Junk Interiors


  1. What a creative idea! Beautiful!

  2. I love that! My dad had one just like it, and he
    was actually the person who taught me to type!


  3. My Dad had a black Royal but it's long since disappeared...
    Love this!


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