A few weeks ago, I got an etsy message in a language I couldn't read. Thanks to online translators, I found out someone in Switzerland was wanting a rustic bridal bouquet and boutonnière from me. Switzerland! GypsyFarmGirl is going world wide y'all! Well, not me exactly, but my work is going to be a part of a wedding there this winter.
After a few messages back and forth, we worked out all the details and Maryline ordered a sage green burlap, lace, tulle, and feather bridal bouquet along with a matching burlap boutonnière for the groom.
Today, the bouquets started their trek from East Texas all the across the pond. I found out how to map my sales last week and it's exciting to see that lone little dot in Switzerland! I discovered I've had orders from 44 US states and 3 countries, although this was the first international one to be shipped outside the US.
Some days, I'm in aww of all the support and many brides who have chose to have me be a part of their special day.