It's just three days till we set out with Miss Gussie the glamper and set up at the fair! I'm getting excited and just a tad bit nervous! I've been working overtime getting everything ready and have just a few more things to mark off the to do list this week. Here's a picture of just a few things I've been working on this week.

This desk, it makes me happy and I love how it turned out!
There are pages from a 1953 Farmer's Almanac on the top and fronts of the desk drawers.
Now let me tell ya a story about this desk! I found it at a moving sale last year and it's been in my shed ever since, waiting on its time to shine. It was dirty white and had floral paper lined drawers and knobs. I saw through that and knew it was real wood and well made and even had dove tail joints. It's sturdy and heavy, a classy desk, with some pretty lines.
Jeff helped me unload it last year and move it out of the shed to work on it. It wasn't until he came along and saw me painting it, that he really saw it's value and this is the point where he said "you shouldn't sell it, I need that in my office."
"Ummm, no, it's going in my booth next week."
I painted it ivory lace all over and stopped for the evening. At this point, I wasn't sure how I was going to finish her up. I thought about book pages, sheet music, graphics transfer... I went to a few garage sales and the clothes closet (second hand store) and looked for old books or music pages and didn't find anything I liked. I came home and got to rummaging around and found these almanacs in my file cabinet! That was it! But first, I had to make sure they didn't belong to Jeff. You DO NOT tear up one of his books! He admitted it was not his and I went to work on the desk. It makes him sad to see books torn apart for projects. One time I bought an old book at a garage sale for a project. When Jeff saw it, he confiscated it and it went to his library.
So now he says he hopes no one falls in love with it and it gets to come back home. Although, I hope y'all fall in love with her, just as much as we like it! There's all kinds of vintage advertising, helpful hints, zodiac signs, and articles all over the desk and let me tell you, the farmers almanac had some racy and perculier adds in it for 1953! I omitted some of the adds, since I didn't know where she would eventually call home. I know she would look fabulous in your farmhouse, rustic home office or can even be used as a dresser or vanity table. The previous owners were using it as a dresser in a girls bedroom.
The desk will be available in our Yamboree booth, this Thursday through Saturday. Jeff pointed out that his birthday is this week, so if she gets to come back home, I guess she will be his birthday present! ;)
Aww, I think you should give it to him! :)