
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Tips for Planting Flowers in Washtubs (or other large containers.)

Today, I'm sharing another one of my spring planting videos! This one shows how I plant flowers and ferns in vintage washtubs and large upcycled containers. 

container gardening tips and tricks

Here's a little video I shared on Facebook, showing how I made this planter. 

I've had questions in the past, wondering how I can still have pretty flowers in late summer, when it's so hot. Well the answer is that I change out the plants! I arrange multiple pots in one large container and can change them out seasonally. I have doubts that the ranuculus will last very long, but they were so pretty, I wanted to give them a try. When they fade, I'll remove the pot and can add in something new. In the fall, we can add pumpkins and mums, and the display will always be evolving and changing.
tips for planting flowers in upcyled containers
 The ferns are very full and have cascading foliage that covers the edges of the container and hides all the plastic pots. Sometimes I do add some mulch around the edges, so that you don't see the mechanics and it looks like one big planting.

You do have to pay attention when watering, so that all the different plants get watered.
upcycled garden containers
 I had the large enamel dishpan in the yard (from when I had the dishpan snowman) and I decided to prop this one up in the back of the planter.
rustic garden ideas using vintage containers

So that's one of my secrets to having pretty flowers almost all year long. Hope you are enjoying the videos and ideas. 
Until next time, happy planting! 

P.S. The full gazebo reveal will be coming soon! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Happy Spring!!!

 Hello, Spring! You make me sooooooo happy! It's my absolute favorite time of the year! Spring flowers, magical light, fresh air, new life, warmth, did I mention sunlight and flowers, being outdoors more, green grass, renewed energy, not freezing to death... It's a happy time of year. This winter has been tough, but brighter, happier days are ahead, I just know it.

For the last few weeks, I've been gathering up a few plants when I'm in town and starting to work in the yard some. Dang, it's been a mess and needs some attention. Anyways, here's one of the rusty, bottomless buckets! I recycle and use trampoline springs to hang the buckets (and sometimes lanterns) in from the gazebo. We brought in a tool box with random items in it one time and the springs were a part of that collection and they've been put to use.
I had to go on a supply run for my shop, but somehow my truck turned into the garden center on the way home ;) I found a few things I've been wanting and came home and was able to work in the yard for a little while! 
Did I mention fresh air, sunshine, and playing in the dirt? Oh it was magical and peaceful! 

I created a little video on how I planted herbs in this old bird cage. Hope you enjoy it. 

(I really need to work on my video skills, but hey, we try. My phone cut off and I had to start back up...#reallife) 

 For the time being, the birdcage is hanging from the gazebo. Not sure if that's where I'm going to leave it or not, as I'm still planting a few more things and getting everything arranged like I want it...

Is this not the tiniest little fern you've ever seen??? It was so cute and I just had to have it, because I knew it would be perfect for that clay pot! 

Stay tuned, I promise to share more gardening pictures, videos, and tips this spring. Until next time, Happy Spring and Happy Planting! Go get your hands in the soil!